Sunday, November 3, 2013

NaNo- Day 3

Chugging right along on my word count this weekend, powered along by an informal write-in with my novelist buddy Nicole today. We manage to anchor each other in our seats, so writing together is proving invaluable. It takes the normally solitary task of writing and makes it social. Having someone to complain to when the right word is just there out of reach is a pleasurable addition to a generally quiet task.

In non-writing news, I saw the Ender's Game movie today.  But as all things do, it brings me back to the writer's frame of mind of the original book.  Creating a whole world in a novel, and then handing it over to someone to read, to see through their own mind's eye, is so difficult. I have an illustrator friend, and she has been kind enough to make a sketch of some of my characters.  Her art work is amazing, and it allows me a glimpse into the picture I'm creating in someone else's head.  Perhaps that is what Orson Scott Card feels as he sees the movie based on his work?

Anxious customer at the coffee house
meagan’s sullen detective vs. my pretty wistful interpretation
a rather beautiful Detective Maxwell

Note: I'm not going to debate the controversy on watching Ender's Game.  I'm aware there has been a boycott called due to Card's views on gay marriage, which I do not agree with.  There are, however, a good deal many more people that put work into the movie that have not voiced such opinions. I have, in the past, bought the book (before knowing anything about Card's views), which he's far more likely to profit from personally than the movie, I would think.  So, that's all I'm saying about that, truly.  Don't flame me.
That's it for now.  Go check out Tehya the illustrator's art blog, she has beautiful things there.


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